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|  | Links

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Candy Industry Magazine, Sept. 2013

|  | Mart, Japan, January 2013

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February 2012: Diablo Magazine

|  | February 1, 2012: The Tea House Times, The TeaRoom Honored Best Chocolatiers

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January 19, 2012: What's New: Fancy Food Show Favorites

|  | September 23, 2011: Leafygreen Info, Green News

 |  |  |
September 30, 2011: The Tea House Times, The TeaRoom's Chocolate Bar Fusions Provide Peace - And Health - Of Mind

|  | July 27, 2011: Candy Industry "Medals awarded in Chicago Luxury Chocolate Salon competition"

|  |  |
June 21, 2011: Teaviews

|  | May 27, 2011: Progressive Grocers

|  | |
May 19, 2011: TrulyNet "Glorious Cacao at the SF International Chocolate Salon"

|  | May 2, 2011: East Bay Express "East Bay Chocolatiers Rule"

 |  |  |
April 25, 2011: The Art of Chocolate

|  | March 2, 2011: Candy Buyer

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March 2, 2011: Specialty Coffee Retailer

|  | March 2011: Chocolate Atlas, Editor's Pics

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February 11, 2011: Shine Yahoo "9 Incredible Chocolates"

|  | December 20, 2010: The dieline

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December 7, 2010: East Bay Express

|  | Pina Colada in Progressive Grocer, November 24, 2010

|  |  |
October 20, 2010: The Kitchn

|  | August 18, 2010: The Tea House Times

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July 2010: Living Maxwell, A recap of the 2010 Fancy Food Show

|  | May/June 2010 Candy & Snack Today, Go to page 55 & 56

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2010: Wegmans East Coast

|  | June 21, 2010: TeaViews

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May 2010 Specialty Food Magazine "Double-Duty Sweets"

|  | Yahoo Voices: The Very Best Chocolate Ever! December 23, 2009

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August 19, 2009: Meetings and Conventions

|  | March 2009, Coffee and Tea Newsletter

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March 12, 2009, Truly Obscure

|  | March 11, 2009, CONTRA COSTA TIMES

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October 28, 2008, Gourmet Retailer

|  | PROGRESSIVE GROCER:NATURAL & ORGANIC: Key Trends Highlight Expo West March 26, 2008

The TeaRoom on Yelp
